Is there a standard query that you find yourself setting most of the time when you open an application? For example, it might be that most of the time when you open the 'Work Order Tracking' application, you immediately filter for non-completed work orders assigned to you as the lead. You can configure this to be the automatic default every time you open Work Order Tracking. Of course, you can always override that default on rare occasions when you want to see a different set of work orders. Here's how to set up a default query.
TIP: You can do some pretty fancy stuff with filters. For example, there are also ways to build queries using variables instead of fixed values. For example, the method below will show you how to set up a filter for all work orders assigned to "JSMITH". If you have 35 technicians, you could build a similar filter for each of them. Wouldn't it be nice to just have a single filter that applies to whoever the current user is? Filters can also return things like "POs that have been received for more than 15 days", where the date value updates every time you refresh the screen. If you'd like some free guidance on this, give me a call and I'd be glad to chat with you about it.
1. Open any Maximo application.
2. From the list view, use any available options to set up a query. Most likely, you'll either use the visible column filters or click the 'Advanced Search' button to access other fields. If you're an advanced user, you might build a WHERE clause.
3. Click the 'Save Query' button. Provide a name and description. MAKE SURE TO SELECT THE 'DEFAULT' OPTION. Click the 'OK' button.
4. If you want to set the default to a query that already exists, click on the little arrow to the right of the 'Save Query' button on the list view of the application. Select 'View/Manage Queries'. From all the available queries, find one and select the 'Default' checkbox. Note that only one default can be selected. Then click the 'OK' button.
5. Next time you open the application, you will notice that the filter is already applied. If you want to view all records, you could simply select the 'All Records' option.